OD & Change
We are experts in running large and small scale change management projects and advising on organisational structure and design to deliver cost efficiencies and operational excellence for your business.
We have advised on many organisational change programmes in a wide variety of different sectors.
Recent work includes:
The large scale re-structure of a global HR service encompassing changing skills mix, staff reduction and cost savings.
The review of an established L&OD department to challenge existing practice and ensure ‘fit for the future’ resource.
The support of an NHS front line department in an Acute Trust to review competency and skills mix to deliver outstanding patient care.
The review of a public sector in house HR team which also delivered commercial services externally to Academy Trusts.
We can advise on the optimum ‘people footprint’ and design for your business or help you to re-structure existing departments to deliver commercial savings and efficiencies.
We can also help you to deliver Change programmes within your business – this could involve the introduction of a new system, policy or way of working. We can advise on the most effective ways of ‘making change stick’ and support you in engaging your workforce to ensure maximum results are achieved.
Need to know anything else?
Get in touch with us today, to embark on your HR journey with Barrow & Parker. We’re on your side and ready to guide you and your business.